First let me begin by saying that it was an honor and privilege to meet
CK and
High on Poker, it was nice to now be able to put a face to the name.
Our journey began by meeting up with
Riggstad and Ck at the Borgata, once we met we all had dinner including my daughter
Mini Donk, dinner couldn't go fast enough since we all had the itch to play, play, play........
From the Borgata we went to the Tropicana to check into the hotel and meet High On Poker, our plan was to play in a tourney, however the only one that got in was High On Poker because the tourney was filled to the max. So we then decided we would just play cash games. We started out all on different tables.
At the table I was seated at, there was an older gentleman to my right, who was the nastiest of nasty. so it was somewhat uncomfortable for me especially hearing, BOOOOOM, BOOOOOM, BOOOOOOM coming from all the tables around me.
There really wasn't a hand history but one, my favorite hand is 74 and it doesn't matter what the bet is, I stay to see the flop, I was at a 1-2 table, everyone pretty much limps in until one guy rasies, he makes the bet 12, everyone folds except me and another guy who seemed to play every hand. The flop comes Q44, I'm first to act, I bet 20, my two opponets' call, the turn comes 8, I again bet out 20 they both call, the river comes an ace, so at this point I'm thinking what could they have, so I thought let me check and see where everyone was at.
One guy bets 20, ( he wasn't the one I was worried about because like I said he had played every hand since I sat down at the table) the other guy raises it to 120, so now it's my turn to act, and I sat there looking at the guy who bet 120 and I'm trying to figure out what the hell he could have, I had trips so there's no way he could have quads, there wasn't a flush draw on the board, and even though my kicker was only a 7, there was an Ace and Queen, so I thought well he could have a fullhouse A4 or Q4 but who else would pay the preflop raise with those holdings other than me??
So after about 5 minutes, I lay down my hand, the other guy goes all in, so the guy who made the 120 bet calls, he turns over QQ the other one turns over AK...... GREAT FOLD for me......being the donkey I can be, I was proud of myself. I don't necessarily like these hands but in cash games, Riggs has told me to open up my holdings. Raise with lesser and make calls to weak bets when there are many in the hand. he didn't like the 74 but I get his point. That is premium hands such as AA and KK, especially in low limit games will tend to win very small pots, unless you run someone holding second nuts, or you will lose very big pots. I like his thinking and he has shown me that those "other hands" can be very profitable if played correctly and you actually hit.
I saw that there was a seat available at CK's table, so I asked if I could move over there, since my table was so uncomfortable with the old nasty man.
"CK and Donkette take down a wannbe JC Tran". A few hands stick in my mind, the first one being, CK is the big blind, I had J3 sooted, so I had just limped in, the flop comes 2J4, as first to act, I check it goes around the table to CK and she bets out 10, I call since I had top pair with a shitty kicker, but I thought I would gamble, everyone folds and it's me and CK, I can't quite remember what the turn was but I do know it wasn't anything of significance, CK bets out another 10, I call, the river comes another 2. I check again and CK comes out with both guns loaded, not sure just what the bet was but I called, I thought at best we would chop, and then there was a BOOOOOOOOM, CK turns over 42 for a fullhouse and takes the pot down. Bitch!! Riggsad told me I just got hit with a 2x4. Pric!
Now for our story of the wannbe JC Tran: I'm in the BB having AJ (ASIAN JEW!!), everyone was limping in so when it was my turn to act I rasie to 16, Mr Wannbe was my only taker, the flop comes JAA, I bet 25 he comes over the top of me for 100, so I shove all in, I had only had 40 more after calling his 100, so he calls, and after he calls, before we expose our hands he said to me, you might have me beat now, but I could catch up so I thought he must have AK, he turns over A2 and when I turn my AJ over to the sounds of BOOOOOOOOM he turned pale, he was pretty much drawing dead, and I take a huge pot down which left him with 25.00. He rebought for another 200, and I guess I pissed him off because he came back firing at almost every pot, I looked and CK and said "one of us needs to take his chips"
It really is amazing to me his move with A2 here. It actually makes me feel good, well, about myself. :) It really is something to be able to come into these rooms with a little more knowledge and self confidence and be able to feel secure in the fact that I know there will be players making moves like that... So EV.
Now it was CK's turn, I saw her fold hand after hand for at least over an hour, and Mr. Wannabe kept firing out, she's sitting in position with AQ, and needless to say it was her turn to tangle with the Mr Wannabe. I'm not sure just how the betting went, but I do know however that by the river there was over 800.00 in the pot, I'm also not sure what the flop was, (wish I had a print screen on my camera phone) nor the turn, I do however know that the river was an Ace giving CK a pair, with Mr. Wannabe holding KK...... BOOOOOOOOOOOM, BOOOOOOOOOOM, BOOOOOOOOOOOM, BOOOOOOOOOOOM, the hand desereved 4 Booms. Mr. Wannabe was shell struck, and of course he whinned about it and carried on as CK sat there not saying a word stacking all her chips... Way To Go CK.......
My other big hand was I was in the BB with K4 clubs, the little blind limps in after everyone folding the flop comes 3c Ac Kd, well now I'm on a flush draw, with me having second top pair on the flop, he bets out 25, I call, the turn comes QH, he bets 50, I call the river turns over the 2c, with my opponent holding 45 in his hand giving him the straight, he bets out 70, and I go all in, he looks at me and said you caught your flush, I turned to him and said yes I did, he thought about it for about 5 minutes, with me saying to him or maybe I caught 2 pair, or even just a pair,and low and behold, he shoves the rest of his money in, he shows me the straight and I show him the flush...... Lol he stood up didn't say a word and walked away.
Next on our journey was CK and I went to find a Let It Ride table, couldn't find a table with the 3 card bonus on it so we just decided to just play 3 card, we both held our own for sometime hitting nothing of significance just hitting pairs, straights, flushes, which is okay it keeps you playing but not hitting anything that doubled are money. It was now around 2:30am, and CK was alittle tired, so I walked her to our room, she went to bed, and of course I went back down to the poker room to play again since Aniguy was still playing.
I bought in for 200.00 going to a 1-2 table, my very first hand I'm dealt 88, I just limp, the flop comes AK8 giving me a set, didn't want to be a bully on the first hand so I just min bet, someone raises to 25, and of course I call the turn comes a 7 I check he bets out 50, I call, the river turns over another 8, and by this time my heart was pounding so hard I thought it was going to come right out of my chest. I check, the other guy bets 125, I then go all in, he insta calls, showing AK which gave him 2 pair, I show one 8 and then slowly turn over the other 8, BOOOOOOOOM. So I doubled up on the first hand. I don't think there was anyone over the age of 25 at my table and all of them were as drunk as can be, so I thought I would use that to my advantage. One little guy all decked out in his Eagles geer was a spitfire at the table, raising every hand, so it was somewhat hard to put him on any good hand, I folded a lot of winning hands due to my lack of expierence, however I kept hearing Riggs voice telling me, don't back down, so with that I ran. My best fold of the night was my JJ, my little Eagles friend raised pre-flop, the flop comes K84, he bets over 100 there was 3 of us in the hand, the other calls his bet, I thought for awhile and I laid down my JJ, I asked the dealer to keep my cards to the side, I wanted to show them to my eagles friend, the turn brings a 3 and the river turned a J, so I was pissed at myself for folding but at that point it would have cost me half of my stack to chase, so I believe I did the right thing. My eagles friend couldn't believe after the dealer showed him what I folded, I looked at him and I said to him my favorite hand is 74 and when I take all your money it's going to be with that hand. LOL. I played for at least 45 minutes without seeing a flop, then finally I get my 74 c and suited no less, so I just limp in and of course when the bet came to my Eagles friend he raises to 55, everyone folds and I thought hears my chance to spank this little boy, and what to my sudden eyes do appear, the flop comes 3,5,6 clubs, being the first to act, I check he bets out 50, and I look at him and said, you caught that flush didn't you, and he has this shit ass grin on his face from ear to ear, I said no I don't believe you so I call, the turn comes AH, I check again he pops the pot with another 50, the river comes 9d, I check again, and my little Eagles friend goes all in for another 170 and I insta call, he turns over a set of aces, I turn over my 74 for the straight flush and the look on his face was worth a million and one pictures, I crushed him, but what he was more upset about is I told him that when I took his money it was going to be with my favorite hand. BOOOOOOOOOOM....... I sat for another 1 hour or so and couldn't catch anything and by this time it was 5:30am, so I decided to go cash in, I made a 496.oo profit for the day..... Not to bad for me. I'm them off to find Aniguy and watched him play for another hour and by this time I just couldn't hang anymore, so we gather our child, and say goodbye to CK and headed home (had to come home to my puppy).
Although it was a very profitable day for me, the highlight of the day was getting to meet CK and High On Poker (didn't get a chance to spend to much time with him, he was in a tourney and when he was finished he headed home) but I'm sure there will be a next time. Meeting CK felt like we have known each other forever, she's a real sweetheart and very enjoyable to hang with.
A big credit goes out to Riggstad for being such a great teacher, his knowledge of the game is just so unreal to me, he pretty much knows how each scenario is gonna play out, so Thank You Riggs for helping me in my learning process......
I would also like to thank Fuel for all the great links he sent me, if everyone keeps sending me learning links, there will come a time when I will be pretty hard to beat.......
In closing I have to say that this was one of the best trips I had to Atlantic City!